With a background in Art and Design (MA), I have over 30 years of experience in the creative process that defines what I do today. To learn more about my techniques and the stories behind my creations, you can visit my art gallery in Holmfirth. As an art professional, I am always open to discussing new commissions and answering any questions you may have about my art projects. You can email me at diana.terry9@gmail.com for any queries. If you are interested in buying any of my artwork, you can visit the Shop page. For payment, you can use BACS, Paypal, and credit and debit cards. Get details about upcoming and prior exhibitions of my work. I eagerly look forward to connecting with you and exploring the world together.

Email: diana.terry9@gmail.com
Unit 16, Sculpture Lounge, Holmbridge Mill, Holmbridge, Holmfirth,
West Yorkshire, HD9 2NE